Allen College

Allen College Institutional Review Board Fee Structure (ACIRB)

The Allen College Institutional Review Board (ACIRB) charges fees for the review of studies or projects submitted by the following:

  • Investigators unaffiliated with Allen College or UnityPoint Health — Allen Hospital (Investigators who are not Allen College faculty, staff, or students or UnityPoint Health — Allen Hospital paid associates, physicians, residents, or fellows).
  • Investigators conducting sponsored research (e.g., research funded by a pharmaceutical company)

The ACIRB fee structure for investigators meeting any of the above criteria are:

    Full board review:  $500
    Expedited review:  $250
    Exempt review:  $150
    Evidence-Based Practice/Quality Improvement (EBP/QI) Project review: $150
    Institutional Authorization Agreement (reliance agreement): $100
    Continuing review and/or modifications:  no charge
    Project closure report:  no charge

The principal investigator listed on the ACIRB application will be billed for the appropriate level of review, determined by the ACIRB, after all application material is received.  PIs will be billed regardless of the ACIRB's decision (i,e., approved or denied).  Payment does not guarantee a study will be approved.  Payment is due 30 days from the invoice date.

Please contact the ACIRB Administrator ( with any questions related to the fee structure before submitting your application.